Each event requires many volunteers with a broad spectrum of talents to support teams, volunteers, audience members and competition demands. We cannot hold the competitions without volunteers.
A variety of volunteer positions are available – and we have a few roles that need some technical background as well as many that are completely non-technical.
Most positions are available for those with no prior experience.

Key Roles Needed Most
Key, Decision Making Roles. Training required (online)
Judge (Robot Design, Project, Core Values)
- Robot Design Judge – Interviews the teams about their robot including mechanical, programming and game strategy. Works with 1 or 2 other judges to evaluate teams per well-defined rubric.
- Project Judge – Interviews the teams about their project which will provide an innovative solution to a problem identified within this year’s theme and includes evaluation of research and presentation quality. Works with 1 or 2 other judges to evaluate teams per well-defined rubric.
- Core Values Judge – Interviews the teams about their teamwork, core values, collaboration and overall team structure. Works with 1 or 2 other judges to evaluate teams per well-defined rubric.
Time Commitment
Round 1 Judges: 7:30am – 12:30pm (likely will finish earlier)
Round 2 Judges: 11:00am – 5:30pm (likely will finish earlier – would like to encourage you to stay for award ceremony)
Who can volunteer?
Must be a post-high school adult, and not affiliated with any current FLL team
Additional / General Volunteer Roles Needed
Master of Ceremonies (Emcee) & Game Announcer
Robot Inspector
Team Check-In and Volunteer Check-In
Setup Crew and Cleanup Crew
Traffic Control & Security (Crowd Control)
Judge Queuer or Robot Game Queuer
Welcome & Information Desk
Field Resetter
Floor Manager
Pit Manager & Pit Crew
DJ and A/V Tech Crew
Score Runner and Team Pit Runner
First Aid
Time Commitment
Some roles are needed for just a few hours but most are needed all day. If you are only available for a few hours, try to apply for a role that has “morning” or “afternoon” at the end of the role title. Those are the easiest to split across multiple people throughout the day.
Most roles will have day-of, on site training. It is helpful if you sign up for a role like A/V Tech Crew or First Aid, that you have background/training in that specific area.
Who can volunteer?
Adult or possibly a High School student, if mature and responsible
Great roles for a FLL Team’s Adult Volunteer!